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Systems theory is an interdisciplinary study of complex and interconnected wholes, where the relationships, patterns, and dynamics between parts create the behavior of the entire system. It embraces a holistic perspective, recognizing that the sum of a system's parts is greater than the individual components. From ecosystems to social structures and technological networks, systems theory explores the nuanced interdependencies and feedback loops that drive change and adaptation. It acknowledges that these intricate networks cannot be fully understood through reductionist, linear analysis but instead require a multi-dimensional approach that honors contextuality, emergence, and the evolving nature of relationships. By emphasizing the interconnectedness of all things, systems theory invites us to navigate complexity with a sensitivity to the myriad ways in which our actions reverberate through layers of interrelated systems, shaping the world in which we live.

See also: systems thinking, complexity, relational process, systems change, spiral dynamics

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